Industry Happenings
October 1, 2021

Meridian Promotes Cybersecurity Awareness Month with Free Media Kit

October 2021 marks the 18th year of  CISA and the National Cybersecurity Alliance (NCSA)’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month (CSAM) program, a month-long campaign to raise awareness about the critical importance of cybersecurity.

While October is typically earmarked for spooky ghosts and goblins, the real terrors lurk just under the surface all year long, waiting to hack into our vulnerable systems for leverage and profit.

As interconnected programs, like the Internet of Things, continue to propagate through our homes and businesses, more and more unguarded entrances to critical systems like the national energy grid provide increasing opportunities for savvy hackers to gain access and control over these systems.

For this reason, we believe Internet users have a collective responsibility to help ensure the safety and integrity of the Internet and connected devices. Participation in CSAM is a pledge to educate others about cyber security and best practices for maintaining protection online.

Meridian Cooperative is a proud annual supporter of this cause and has once again released a free cyber awareness media kit to help utilities and other businesses get involved with CSAM by giving them the tools to digitally promote cybersecurity to their customers and members. As stewards of critical technology that helps provide power and internet access for hundreds of thousands of people, Meridian has always invested heavily in cybersecurity awareness and training and we hope that this example and these tools will inspire others to do the same.

While Meridian Cooperative’s media kit mainly offers cyber-awareness resources for utilities and cooperatives, everyone is welcome to use it. Our media kit includes engaging graphics for all social media platforms, as well as two fun and educational videos. No matter which and how you choose to use these resources, we can all take pride in playing a part in becoming more cybersecure.

Download all the CSAM Media Kit content by selecting the files below.

To download the CSAM Media Kit graphics below, click on the the image then right click and save the file.

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