CEO Cites Intentional Changes to Compete on Culture

Atlanta, GA – March 13, 2022 : Meridian Cooperative, the Dunwoody-based developer of innovative utility software and technology solutions, has been named as one of Atlanta’s 2022 Top Workplaces by the AJC. Occupying the 16th place on this year’s list of large workplaces (500+ employees), Meridian has achieved this milestone less than one year after a company-wide reorganization and rebranding.
“This is a great day and a true honor for Meridian,” shares CEO R.B. Sloan. “Truthfully, this is just the beginning for our organization. Less than two years ago, we announced our goal to become one of Atlanta’s Top Workplaces. Since then, we have made several intentional changes to help us compete on culture, and we’re just getting started. We will continue to listen to our people and relentlessly pursue the changes they desire. Truly, this is just the first checkpoint on our journey to become an extraordinary workplace.”

About Meridian Cooperative: Meridian Cooperative was formed in 1976 by a group of Electric Membership Cooperatives with a vision for a single enterprise solution provider to serve data processing, IT, and operational needs to cooperatives, public utility districts, and municipal utilities. Through carefully curated acquisitions and partnerships, Meridian Cooperative has unified multiple leading-edge companies under its umbrella in order to truly execute that vision. Today, the Meridian Cooperative Enterprise serves over 500 utilities across the country with industry-leading enterprise software solutions.